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align=Dhttp://www.cncsaga.com/pixaddict/1250156716a1.jpg[/img]L'évènement margeur de la communauté Command & Conquer s'approche à grands pas et Electronic Arts vient d'ouvrir un blog pour cela. C'est sur ce blog que vous retrouverez tous les avis des participants vis à vis du jeu CnC4.

Apoc rappelle dans son premier message sur le blog qu'il s'agit du plus gros Community Summit de l'histoire de CnC avec 100 fans venus du monde entier (d'habitude une vingtaine).


What was once thought to be a crazy idea, CommandCOM is now just over one week away from becoming a reality. The Command & Conquer franchise has been around since 1995, and you'd think by now, we would have had a massive fan convention, considering the thousands of rabid C&C fans world-wide. If not inspired by our own motivation, you'd think KANE and his millions of Brotherhood followers world-wide may have united together in a massive force by now.

But nevertheless, the time is now, and it's time for the biggest community summit in the history of Command & Conquer. So big, we could not host it here at our C&C HQ in Los Angeles, but then again, that wouldn't be very cool considering the GamesCOM convention in Cologne, Germany next week will be a pivotal moment for showcasing Command & Conquer 4. And more importantly, Germany is quite literally the epicenter of the Command & Conquer community (Singapore and the UK are a very, very close second).

So here we go! After 6 months of planning, a trillion dollar investment (just kidding), tons of world-wide EA support....100 of the top C&C Community Leaders world-wide will descend upon Cologne, Germany next week Aug 21 - 23 for a mighty look at Command & Conquer 4, and a unique opportunity to secure the bonds of online friendship and C&C family that the internet has physically divided, and WE are now bringing together.

What will go down at CommandCOM? What surprises lurk? What will 100 of the most hardcore C&C fans known to man have say about Command & Conquer 4? They will all be blogging right here on this very site with tons of opinions and details you won't find anywhere else.

Keep your eyes peeled here and stay tuned for much more to come on, CommandCOM!


C&C Community Manager


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Oh des Fräulein avec des grosses...choppes ! Que demande le peuple ? :P

Elles sont blondes, si Kane les voit elles vont finir avec une balle...

Les news s'approchent, tant mieux !

Edited by LexRage77
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A la boisson ! J'ai oublier que l'Allemagne est si bien ... Certain souvenir remonte et pas des moindres :D

Les infos arrivent a grand pas ! Mais je pense qu'il y aura des dates pour la divulgation des certaines de ces infos.

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Je viens d'y penser, pour ceux qui y vont, en allemand "Une choppe s'il vous plait" ça se dit "Ein Maß Bitte !", ça se prononce "haïn masse bittè !"

Sinon (la prononciation à gauche) :

Deux = Zwei [tzwaï]

Trois = Drei [draï]

Quatre = Vier [fir]

Cinq = Fünf [fünf]

Six = Sechs [zeïchs]

Sept = Sieben [zib'n ou zibeun]

Huit = Acht [arrt]

Neuf = Neun [noïn]

Dix = Zehn [tzén]

Avec ça on survie facilement en Allemagne. A la limite "Où sont les toillettes ?" c'est "Wo sind die Toiletten ?" [veau zïnde di toilett'n/toiletteun].

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