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Beta TO... hmm.

Well for the past 2 years, (yea i know) it has been in Alpha, Internal builds only. We are on 3.7 at this moment, we are going though some tests, removing bugs and other problems... but i cant tell you when we will reach a public Beta, but take note Tchutch, you might be the first website to receive something first before the rest of the community ;)

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Small update on Tiberian Odyssey for ya ;)

Posted earlier today on Project Perfect Mod...

Hey All! Got a Small Update for ya! ;)

Im sure you lot would like to know whats been going down behind the scenes, so heres the lo-down.

Internal Builds

At this moment, we are at Build No. 3.7. This build actually fixed a lot of bugs that was haunting the team from way back in the early builds, but thanks to pd, these have been removed! So Tiberian Odyssey is at its most stablest build yet!

A lot of balancing had been done by Titan MK II a few weeks before its upload, making sure all the GDI units where not too powerful and the Nod units where not too fast :P, So big thanks to him!

As this moment, i am going though 3.7 to get ready for 3.8. 3.8 will be the benchmark for future builds. It will be the first internal Tiberian Odyssey build to have its own EXE and DLL (even though the DLL is now merged with the EXE). Reason for this is because i plan to introduce a few little hacks so that parts of Tiberian Odyssey will be totally finished and not needed to touched again. (Wink, Wink, Nudge Nudge)

We also have a VERY nice launcher for Tiberian Odyssey made by good'ol Creagor. It has lots of features that will make starting the game with various command line arguments much easier! It also has a nice splash screen too! :P

Maps and Mapping

Well, not much of a update, but a new team member is upon us!

Titian MK II is taking a break at this moment, due to school work, that you all know, has to come first! So good luck Titan with your work!

CrashKing has been working on a few maps, mainly small ones, just so we can get them out of the way so that the big ones can start coming in!

Ixith has been added to the team and will begin making maps sometime in the next month, im sure we will have a awesome collection from him too!

We are also head hunting for some more mappers from the community, so you never know, it might be you next who gets to play with our new terrain ;)


Well, this department has been lacking a lot, mainly because Muldrake has had to step down temporally due to pressure from University and personal problems. This is why you see him just trolling around being a awesome moderator :P

I on the other hand have been doing a few things, small bits there and there. But the main thing is the new logo, based of Muldrake orignal design, i decided to give it a Hyper revamp :D


Some wallpapers are available too! I understand there not the best, but they are something :P

800 x 600


1024 x 768


1152 x 864


1200 x 900


1280 x 1024


1600 x 1200


1920 x 1200



I hope im ok to add this to the post, but here it goes.

Due to Morpher now living in the Great Outback, Australia, he has not had a lot of time to sit down and work on Tiberian Odyssey. Personally you cant blame the guy, i come from England too and i would love to move out there, so much to do.

Because of this, Tiberian Odyssey went though some bleak and slow periods, where no one was doing anything. This is why there was a lack of activity.

So, a few weeks ago, Morpher came to me and asked if i would like to take leadership of Tiberian Odyssey. At first i was a bit hesitant because of a past project you might know of called Tiberian Sun : Recoil, but after a while, he convinced me to, and personally, im happy to take control of Tiberian Odyssey, so much potential.

So Thanks Morpher, for this opportunity!

I would also like everyone to to Thank Morpher for getting Tiberian Odyssey to where it is today, without him and hes awesome leadership skills, you would not be seeing the awesome work that showcases in this forum today!


Well, thats it for today, im sorry there is not much more to show you, but we hope to in the up and coming months.

Also Check, http://www.odyssey.ppmsite.com/ , its been updated with a work in progress webpage. I am working on a replacement along with the help of Muldrake as we speak.

So... Adios Amigos!

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