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Command & Conquer SAGA

Error 23, EALA avance sur ce bug ! (MAJ)


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Aaron vient de poster sur le forum de la beta : l'équipe de dév a besoin du maximum de détails par rapport au bug 23 qu'ils n'arrivent visiblement pas à reproduire en interne.

Il faut donc vous rendre si cela vous arrive sur le sujet suivant du forum beta :


Hey everyone,

There are too many one-off threads and general comments about apparent "error23" and disconnect/desyncs, etc. Please for the love of KANE, if you could specifically state your error in this thread, and EXACTLY how you get it and when it happens, that would be great.

-tell us what patch you are coming from to Rev 11

-post a screenshot of the error if you can

-explain repro steps so we can correct on our end

-any system info you have (graphic card, memory, processor is all really)

There are a ton of people online, and a good amount of you here with issues. We can't hotfix what we don't know.

Please be kind, keep it simple, but give us the exact detail.

Much appreciated, thanks!


MAJ : Bon l'équipe avance déjà sur ce problème :

I just spoke to our dev team and we have a lock on this error and are working on a hot-fix patch as I type this. WIll keep you posted. If you have other non error23 errors that are severe, please post, thanks.


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mise à jour : Bon l'équipe avance déjà sur ce problème :

I just spoke to our dev team and we have a lock on this error and are working on a hot-fix patch as I type this. WIll keep you posted. If you have other non error23 errors that are severe, please post, thanks.


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J'ai essayé, au bout de 10minutes "Error code 23", bon c'est plus dès le début de la partie maintenant on peut jouer un peu...

J'ai joué deux autres parties qui ont marché sans le moindre problème. Ca n'est pas encore totalement stable mais il n'y a quasiment plus de desync.

Edited by Yssan
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