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Newsletter et Concours...

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EALAPredator vient d'annoncer la sortie de la Newsletter CnC3 pour la nuit prochaine (décalage horaire vendredi après midi à LA). Cette Newsletter contiendra peut être un message codé à décoder et le premier qui décodera et postera la réponse sur le forum officiel gagnera la Kane Edition.

Demain sera aussi, le début du concours de wallpaper. Il durera jusqu'au 9 Février. Les 3 meilleurs wallpapers sélectionnés par l'équipe de production seront mis sur la Kane Edition.

Sinon la Newsletter contiendra une nouvelle rubrique, une sorte de blog où l'équipe expliquera pourquoi elle adore CnC et quelques infos sur la création du jeu.

L'équipe du jeu est en train de porter la touche finale aux vidéos du jeu. Un premier trailer sera disponible mi-février ou un peu avant. Enfin le podcast de janvier sortira la semaine prochaine.

Hey everyone,

I've had my stealth cloak on for most of the week, apologies, had to clear up the air on the BFME2 side of things and spend some time this week getting a lot of community work done behind the scenes....like the C&C Newsletter which goes out TOMORROW.

The C&C newsletter will be chalk fill with surprising twists and turns, maybe another message to decode, you never know. I'll say this, if there is a message to decode (and you can assume means yes), then i'll give another copy of C&C 3 Kane Edition!!! to the first person to crack it on these forums in the thread that I create, funny how I said all that without confirming that there might be a message to decode in the newsletter, hehe.

I'll officially announce this now, we are launching a Wallpaper contest which is planned to start tomorrow and will end on February 9th. The top 3 wallpapers as voted on by our development team will be placed ON THE KANE EDITION. Thats right, you create an awesome C&C 3 wallpaper and you may be forever inscribed in the history of C&C in the hands of thousands. If you've already created a wallpaper in the past, you're welcome to submit it to this upcoming contest.

The newsletter will also start a new behind the game feature article series which I plan to carry through launch, it'll be developer blog style and give you guys a deeper look at who we are and what we do and why we think its cool...and why we love C&C. First article kicks off with the balance designer legend Greg Black!! Check it out tomorrow, newsletter subscribers first.

We're starting to put the final touches on our cinematics, expect to see the first official FMV trailers in mid-February, maybe sooner, we'll see, but lemme tell you, I think you guys are going to be blown away at the production level and the story, It's going to pull you in.

The January podcast is scheduled to be recorded and delivered next week, so that nice thread with 20-something pages is certainly not wasted.

And last for a quick update, any spamming on these forums and you will be banned like someone just was (most of you can guess who). Please do not spam, please keep it chill and constructive, and please make sure you keep the chatter all C&C related.

I'll be on more frequently now through the weekend and beyond.

Newsletter deploys tomorrow afternoon, don't be the last to get it, be the first!


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Also, at the newsletter will be a link to fansite kit

PS: Everyone welcome to ... gdi.ea.com and nod.ea.com

Website comming soon :

This domain has been registered by Bloc on behalf of one of our insightful, forward thinking clients.

Check back soon for another Bloc Rockin' website.

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