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le bêta sera pour les 2000 premiers ce weekend


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Je viens de lire ce message de APOC sur le forum officiel, ça dit que les 2000 premiers à être inscirits pour le bêta pourront jouer le bêta ce weekend.

[q]Hey everyone,

I am purposely making another sticky thread to update you to ensure everyone reads this.

Earlier today we had to make an emergency change to the current "friends and family" build which was being hosted at FilePlanet. We asked them to pull the current build down. When they did this, they put up their standard temporary page which had misleading information that our beta test was for Founder Club members only.

Everyone, this is false and inaccurate. The official word on our Beta is still the same. If you bought Kane's Wrath and registered on our beta test website, you will be in the Beta Test in the process of which we've described multiple times. Yesterday we started sending out update e- mails, everyone who registered through the website should have received this e-mail update.

Please make sure you are checking the e-mail account tied to the EA Account you logged in with when registering at the Beta Test website. For most of you, this is your official EA Master Account e- mail.

Now, all that said, we are posting up a new build on FilePlanet tomorrow (Saturday), and will begin to publicly activate the first 2,000+ registered users. Yes, that means if you were one of the first 2,000 to register on our Beta Test website, you will likely be playing Red Alert 3 this weekend =) You will receive your activation e-mail.

For the rest of you, like we said, we will be ramping up the Beta as we get more comfortable with the software. One of our primary purposes for doing a Beta Test is to weed out any serious technical issues so when the game officially ships, we've fixed them. Thus, we are rolling this out slowly and will ramp it up to thousands and thousands in a weekly process, maybe multiple times a week. The software will dictate that.

So everyone, please ignore what you read on Fileplanet, yes it is true they have a small amount of keys for FP subscibers, but those will be given away in a lottery some time next month.

The only way you can get in the Red Alert 3 Beta Test is if you purchased Kane's Wrath and registered your key on our Beta Test website. Luckily, for 99% of you, that means YOU.

If our plans change for tomorrow, we will let you know, but everything is looking good for our first small public launch.



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Juste pour vous dire, enfin en traduisant, que la version "amis et famille" est un bêta du bêta, encore plus truffé de bugs, le bêta officiel sera là pour les 2000 heureux élus. Enfin, c'est ce que j'ai compris.

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Bizard le mail que j'ai reçu ce matin précisais bien que la bêta ne commencerais que dans les deux semaine à venir et que toute les rumeurs de bêta autre que la version "ami et famille" qui commencerais ce week end serait des fake.

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Rectification, le bêta n'est pas encore prêt. À ce qu'on dit, les rectifications nécessaires à l'interface, pour l'instant généreuse en lags (je parle de la version disponible déjà pour les privilégiés dont les VIP de quelques sites comme fileplanet subscribers), ne sont pas encore complétées afin de répondre à une grande affluence de joueurs.

le développeur de EA Smudge dit qu'il y a une chance que lundi, peut-être...

"Well, I'm afraid that that the new build won't be going up today. We're close, but there are some stubborn deployment issues that keep on popping up and we want to make sure that when we pull the trigger, everything proceeds as smoothly as possible. Looks like it will be Monday now. I'm really sorry guys. - EASmudge"

Edited by gcvsnlr
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