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Command & Conquer SAGA

Nouveau site officiel arrive bientôt !


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Apoc vient d'annoncer que le nouveau site officiel commandandconquer.com consacré aux 3 sagas Command & Conquer sortirait avec de nouveaux forums officiels la semaine prochaine.

Il postera ce vendredi toutes les infos sur ce nouveau site et sur comment créer un compte utilisateur.

Ce nouveau site central est le début de nouvelles actions pour la communauté.

Hey everyone,

This may come as surprise to many of you, though to those of you who remember the community summit reports from back in June, you'll recall we mentioned we've been building a brand new franchise website for Command & Conquer.

This FRIDAY we will be posting a Q&A about the new website, how you will create your new profile, do your best to ensure your forum name, etc. We'll put the info out there and then answer your questions here on the forum so everyone knows what's up, and there are no big surprises (except for the new look!).

The new CommandandConquer.com is the beginning of a new direction for your Command & Conquer online web experience. It will encompass news, media, and community info for all three C&C universes: Red Alert, Tiberium, and Generals (this universe section will be primarily community news focused just to set your expectations for now). The website will also be home to your evolving profile and in-game stats for C&C 3/KW/RA3. So don't worry, you're not going to lose any of your profile stats.

And not to mention, we are also launching a brand new set of forums! The forums will be exactly the same as the new Spore forums, of course themed for C&C. You'll have new layers of functionality and better forums overall. These forums have been received very well in the Spore community and I expect the same for C&C (since we know our current forums haven't exactly been the best). Here is a link to check out SPORE Forums so you know what to expect.


A lot of good things are coming this way for the C&C community, we hope you are excited. I am.


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Bon Apoc complète : il y aura dans le futur que le site commandandconquer.com et plus 50 sites :

The new website will have a media section dedicated to C&C TV, of course!

The new forums will have a section for each universe, we will be able to expand and add to them as needed, so no worries.

In general, you can consider the new website and forums to be a 1.0 launch. We plan to build and layer on top of it for the months and years to come. We don't want you going to multiple official EA sites to get your C&C info, we want you to go one- place to get all your official info, news, media, etc, and that will be www.commandandconquer.com.


De même il y aura des pages historiques pour présenter les anciens cnc :

And yes, definitely mean Tiberium Universe. This particular portal of the website will be home to all your C&C 3 / KW news, etc "Tiberium universe" news...

With regards to "The First Decade", each universe portal will have a historic page dedicated to each "older game" within that universe. So if you want to learn about Tiberian Sun again, you can visit that Game Feature page on the Tiberium Universe portal. You'll see. Don't worry, we're not forgetting our history.


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