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Command & Conquer SAGA

Tanya dans la Premier Edition


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Revenant sur le design de la boite d'Alerte Rouge 3, qui n'est pas juste un copier/coller selon lui, Aaron Apoc Kaufman donne une petite info supplémentaire :

Il y aura un concept art particulier de Tanya sur la face intérieure de la boite de l'Edition Premier (collector) :

Our Box Art was absolutely not lazy copy & paste, and contrary to popular belief in this forum thread, the Box Art is quite loved around the internet's if you read the blogging posts and popular opinion about it.

The artwork on the Box was custom made for the package. It just so happens we used it for other promos early because it nailed the look we wanted to come out with, but its definitely not a copy-paste job. I think our artist would want to go to the ring for a bout for whomever would like to make that claim again =)

And believe me, Gina Carano will be standing right by his side.

At the end of the day, we can't always be nostalgic in everythign we do with C& C, not even the box art. Sometimes you have to change things up a bit, but at its heart, this is still the game you love.

Our Premier Edition pack is more traditional C&C (face-front) and is even double sided with a special Tanya art on the inside.


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Je pense qu'ils vont faire avec la boite en métal ce qu'ils ont fait avec l'édition spéciale de Crysis. La boite en métal et les artworks dans l'intérieur de la boite ne se trouveront que dans la version US. Meme pas le Canada aura droit a cette boite et aura a la place un boitier DVD normal comme ceux de KW et C&C3.

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