tchutch Posted August 6, 2008 Share Posted August 6, 2008 Apoc vient de poster la liste des modifications (gameplay) concernant le prochain patch. Il y aura aussi dans ce patch dès corrections de bugs. Il vous demande votre avis sur cette liste. Je la met pour le moment en anglais pour accélérer vos réponses : Global Changes: Wall health increased to 300 from 100. Bridge health decreased to 1000 from 6000. Garrison Range Bonus increased to 200% from 125% Infantry vulnerability to PRISM weapon increased to 100% from 30%. All ships should now slow down by 25% when REALLYDAMAGED. Standard surface ship armor vulnerability to Rocket damage reduced to 100% from 150%. Amphibious Ground Units should no longer be crushing infantry on water. Heroic Veterancy now grants a 25% rate of fire increase. Heroic infantry are now immune to Bark-Stun. T1 base defenses now require line of sight. Check your firing lanes! Air Superiority Fighter attack ranges increased to 300 from 200. Aircraft are now twice as vulnerable to CANNON, EXPLOSIVE, and GUN damage. This should only affect how quickly ground units can kill them while they´re docked. Anti-Ground Aircraft will now reveal themselves to their victims if they´re shooting from up on a plateau. Bark / Roar stun duration increased to 10 seconds from 6. (15s if you have Advanced Tech) Frozen Units are no longer insta-gibbed by RADIATION damage. Prism, Tesla, and Wave Force weapons no longer “thaw†frozen units. Repair Drone leash range increased by 50. Refineries now have a 30s infiltration delay, to prevent players from spamming infiltrators at refineries and getting mo money, mo problems. Allied Changes: Peacekeeper health reduced to 200 from 150. Peacekeeper now does more damage when up close than when far away. Peacekeeper damage reduced to 40 at point blank, from 60, and 25 at max range, from 30. Peacekeepers are no longer immune to RADIATION damage when their shield is active. Engineer now gets a big armor boost when he´s in his (presumably Kevlar) medic tent. He´s also immune to bark stun in this mode. Multigunner Turret now has a unique weapon for the Imperial Warrior. IFV / Multigunner Turret + Dog/Bear range increased to 300 from 150. IFV now has a unique weapon when garrisoned by an Imperial Warrior IFV + Dog bark-stun duration increased to 5s from 3s. IFV + Peacekeeper should now be doing AUTO_CANNON damage. IFV + Tesla Trooper rate of fire doubled. Guardian Tank target painter reload time increased to 2 seconds from 0. Cryocopter health reduced to 300 from 500. Cryocopter cryo-beam range decreased to 150 from 300. Cryocopter freeze damage DPS reduced by half, for the rare triple nerf. Mirage Tank invisibility field radius decreased to 175 from 200. Mirage Tank mirage field toggle reload time decreased to 2 seconds from 10. Assault Destroyer Black-Hole Armor armor buff reduced to 25% from 75%. Athena Cannon shield HP reduced to 2000 from 4000. Duration increased to 20s from 10s. Reload time reduced to 20s from 60s. Precision Strike now strikes much faster, although no more precisely. Cryo Satellite powers now have a pre-attack delay time of 5 seconds. In addition to making the power more balanced, it also horribly broke the visual FX! Soviet Changes: Flak Trooper magnetic mine range decreased to 20 from 75. Soviet Ore Collector reactive armor buff increased to 75% from 50%. Terror Drones will now damage aircraft in the air. Previously they would stop damaging an aircraft once it became airborne. Apoc Tanks can now grind large vehicles (MCV´s) and even structures(!) using it´s harpoon + grinder. Heroic Apoc tank damage type changed to EXPLOSIVE from CANNON. Heroic Apocalypse Tanks now fire high explosive rounds that detonate in an eerily similar fashion to that of V4 rockets. Soviet Bunkers now refund half their cost when sold. Soviet Bunkers no longer spawn a conscript when sold. Natasha´s bombing run reload time decreased, she should now be able to immediately paint a new target when she´s done with the old one. Soviet Power Tree reorganized. Toxic Corrosion DPS lowered considerably. This should give you enough time to get back to something that can repair you. Desolator Airstrike field damage increased by 4x. Desolator Airstrike will now clear garrisons. Orbital Refuse time to target increased for all levels. Magnetic Satellite now has a 3 second pre- attack delay, giving you time to GTFO of the way. Retuned durations of Magnetic Satellite (they´re shorter). Magnetic Satellite pre attack delay time reduced to 2 seconds from 5. Effective duration increased by 3 seconds for all levels. Speed increased to 50 from 30. Doubled effective radius. Empire of the Rising Sun Changes: Burst Drone cost decreased to 150 from 300. Burst Drone attached speed penalty increased to 75% from 25%. Burst Drones received a 40% damage scalar against Nano-cores. Imperial Warrior is now immune to Bark-Stun while bonsai charging. Tank Buster: A burrowed tank buster can no longer attack. You must first unburrow them before giving an attack command. Essentially this cuts the middle “down in the hole but half way up and shooting†state of the tank buster. Japanese Refineries now grant enough buildability to allow you to wall in your harvesters. Mecha Tengu ground speed increased to 125 from 100. Water speed increased to 100 from 80. Transformers are no longer receiving that a massive shroud clear buff when in the air. Seawing water speed increased to 125 from 100. Tsunami tank´s are now buildable from the Japanese Naval Yard. Tsunami Tank secondary ability armor buff changed to 50% across the board and now increases your Tsunami´s speed by 25%. Chopper VX speed increased to 140 from 120. Chopper VX should now have an easier time attacking moving units. Rocket Angel paralyze whip range decreased to 250 from 300. Waveforce Artillery can no longer fire while moving. Shogun Battleship: Changed the Ramming Speed ability from a toggle to a location-targeted ability. Reduced duration of ramming speed to 5 seconds from 10. Ramming Battleships now have noticeable acceleration. Final Squadron aircraft will now attack enemy aircraft while in flight. Emperor´s Resolve status effect changed from a damage boost to a rate of fire boost. Overall DPS increase should remain the same. Balloon bomb spread decreased. Level 1 now drops 6 bombs, up from 4. Level 2 drops 10 bombs, up from 8. Level 3 drops, get this, 14 bombs up from 12. Balloon bombs now move twice as fast. They however fall at the same old speed. Balloon Bombs are immune to Magnetic Satellite. Apparently they´re made out of ceramics or wood or something. Final Squadron spread reduced for all levels. Number of planes per target increased for level 2 and 3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Thrax Posted August 6, 2008 Share Posted August 6, 2008 cela m'a l'aire déjà un très bon début ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
red scorpion Posted August 6, 2008 Share Posted August 6, 2008 Euh ptetre réduire les carac du cryocopter parcequ'on voit deja des tactiques de rush cryo/vindicator sur les chantiers ça fais mal... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apolyon Posted August 6, 2008 Share Posted August 6, 2008 Très bon début de patch je trouve. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkhand Posted August 6, 2008 Share Posted August 6, 2008 Ça m'a l'air bien beau tout ça Si ça peut permettre l'équilibre du jeu... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoneWerks Posted August 6, 2008 Share Posted August 6, 2008 Pas mal, cela doit équilibrer les choses... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Casshern1981b Posted August 6, 2008 Share Posted August 6, 2008 J'ai approuvé le patch sur les forums officiels Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lepidosteus Posted August 6, 2008 Share Posted August 6, 2008 Pour ceux qui en ont besoin, une traduction complête en français est disponible chez nous en attendant celle de tchutch si il compte en faire une: Notez que vous pouvez aussi commenter ces changements sur gamereplays directement auprès des développeurs: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Killian31 Posted August 6, 2008 Share Posted August 6, 2008 non pauvre chryocopter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stallone Posted August 6, 2008 Share Posted August 6, 2008 Voilà le genre de nouvelles qui nous rend optimiste. Pourquoi n'avoir pas fait ça avec C-C3,il a fallut attendre le patch de KW pour avoir un jeu +-stable:( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tchutch Posted August 7, 2008 Author Share Posted August 7, 2008 c'était un souhait de faire des betas pour tous les jeux depuis un moment... normalement chaque jeu et peut être add-on devrait avoir leur beta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coasterwars Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 C'est quelle unité le Vindicator ? Sinon c'est bien, ont voit que EALA ne veut pas refaire les mêmes erreurs qu'avec TW et KW niveau équilibrage. Et j'espère que l'Apocalypse est le blindé le plus puissant du jeu, qu'il a une très bonne puissance de feu et un très bon blindage ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathyel Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 il devrait aussi augmenter la vitesse de l'infanterie de chaque faction parce par rapport à C&C3, je trouve qu'ils sont extrêmement lents (on dirait qu'il marche sur la Lune). Je pensais que c'était du au fait que j'avais mis tout à fond mais en mettant tout au plus bas ça me fait la même chose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apolyon Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 Il faudrait augmenter le prix des ports pour favoriser le scoutage terrestre et aussi éviter les early rush au Sting Ray ou au Mini Sub. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stallone Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 Le prix et le temp de construction des chantiers navals sont beaucoups trop faibles. La flotte japonaise trop puissante de meme que les dauphins. La distance de tire des tours de protection trop courtes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apolyon Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 La distance de tir de V4 est trop courte aussi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moody Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 La distance de tire des tours de protection trop courtes. je suis d'accord. le Dreadnought tire de beaucoup trop loin a mon gout. par contre la puissance est bonne. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LexRage77 Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 Juste une chose: pourquoi la raffinerie japonaise coûte-t-elle 2500$ contre 2000$ pour les autres camps ? - Il faudrait peut-être passer les ports à 1500$ ou plus pour les rushs. - Revoir la vitesse de l'infanterie qui se traîne vraiment Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkhand Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 Juste une chose: pourquoi la raffinerie japonaise coûte-t-elle 2500$ contre 2000$ pour les autres camps ? Je pense en fait qu'ils sont plus cher car ils peuvent aller sur n'importe quelle mine n'importe où. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MartinMb Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 Ça semble pas mal, faudra tester les changements. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moody Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 les shogun tire également de tres loin et ils sont tres puissant (trop?) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkhand Posted August 7, 2008 Share Posted August 7, 2008 Je pense que les Shogun sont les unités d'artillerie navals les plus puissante car : - Les drones du Porte-Avions Alliés peuvent se faire descendre par des AA. - Les Dreadnoughts Soviétiques tirent leurs missiles sur des points donnés (par ex, s'il souhaite tirer sur une unité qui se déplace, il ne va pas réussir à le toucher) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apolyon Posted August 8, 2008 Share Posted August 8, 2008 Un petit équilibrage au niveau de l'économie serait aussi nécessaire, car les japonnais possèdent la meilleur économie du jeu, je m'explique : une raffinerie japonnaise coûte 2500 et est placable à souhait sur toute la carte, une raffinerie Allié ou Sovietique coute 2000 mais est placable que dans une zone de construction, tout les collecteurs ont la même capacité de transport, on est tous d'accord là dessus. Bon le "problème" vient du fait que si l'on veut créer une raffinerie avec les Alliés ou les Soviétique, il se trouve que cette raffinerie nous coute 3400 au lieu de 2000, pourquoi ? un spoutnik ou un collecteur Alliés est nécessaire à la construction. Ce surcout de 1400 plombe l'économie pendant le jeu et donne un très gros désavantage si l'on joue contre la faction japonnaise. Voilà les solutions que je propose une augmentation des capacités des collecteurs Alliés et Sovietique pour palier l'économie défaillante, soit une réduction du prix du Spoutnik et du collecteur Alliés de 400 et une augmentation du prix de la raffinerie japonnaise de l'ordre de 250 à 500. Je demanderais l'avis d'un Xpert là dessus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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