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Command & Conquer SAGA

Patch 1.05 pour très bientôt !


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Aaron Apoc Kaufman vient d'annoncer sur le forum officiel la sortie imminente du patch 1.05 pour la beta d'Alerte Rouge 3.

Ce patch contient le support des replays, les 3 armes suprêmes manquantes et des corrections de bugs et d'équilibres.

Ce patch sera un très gros fichier (sauf si vous utilisez l'auto-update) et Apoc vous demande de ne rien télécharger avant l'annonce officielle car là encore le patch n'est pas encore totalement validé.

Hey everyone,

Nothing like a Monday surprise right? Apologies first-off for the inept (non-existant) communication on the login errors. That problem has been resolved and everyone should be able to get in without issue.

That said, we have been working on a 5th beta patch which we will be releasing very soon. Yes unfortunately you'll have to download a big file again, or simply use the auto-updater. With respect to auto-update, please give it some patience, sometimes it can timeout, but it should work. Worst case, download the big file. Our retail version will not have the "big patch file" issue.

As for the upcoming 1.05 beta patch:

- its going to finally add REPLAY support! Hurray!

- Tier 3 super-weapons (woot!)

- Loads of balance changes - primarily off beta tester feedback from these boards

- Loads of bug fixes

It will update your software with very targeted changes on top of what we mentioned above, so it should be a good update to provide a new playing experience.

I'll let you know when it is live.


If you ignore my friendly warning, you risk errors that I cannot help you fix. Please don't do this.

New patch is coming soon.



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J'espere qu'il vont booster les soviets car la il ne peuvent pas faire grand chose contre les ifv et les tengu/choper.

Edit: Première liste :)

============================================================== ====

Command & Conquerâ„¢ Red Alertâ„¢ 3 Public Beta

Version 1.5 Patch notes - September, 2008

===================================================== =============

This patch fixes a few bugs, contains balance changes, and

enabled tier 3 superweapons. Finally, we also added replay


• Terror Drones can no longer be killed by a unit once the terror

drone is inside of it.

• All anti air ground units & base defense AA range decreased to

300 from 400.

• Duration of Return to Airbase power increased to 30 seconds from


• All commando´s vulnerability to EXPLOSIVE damage decreased to

50% from 100.

• ChronoRift 1,2, and 3, pre-attack delay now increased by 3


• Cryocopter Shrink Ray range increased to 300 from 200.

• IFV + Tesla Trooper combo now has a pre-attack delay and its

overall DPS was lowered.

• Tesla Trooper secondary ability toggle has a cooldown of 1

second. Tesla Troopers can no longer move while in their

secondary mode.

• Bear health decreased to 150 from 190.

• Toxic Corrosion affected units now do a ton more radiation

damage when they explode. The field which remains after that

explosion also does a ton more damage now.

• Shogun battleship now fires 3 shots per turret, instead of 6

(doh). Reduced damage radius of warhead to 15 from 50.

• King Oni now accelerates while charging, kind of like of the

Shogun. Decreased the duration of the charge to 4 seconds from 5.

• Balloon Bomb warhead damage decreased to 150 from 250.

• Increased radius of Honorable Discharge.

• Added experience levels to the Allied Engineer, Bear, Dog, Spy,

Soviet Miner, Allied Miner, and Rising Sun Engineer.

• Removed sinking mechanic from all remaining ships. Setup Assault

destroyer to attack subs.

• Increased the duration of Short Circuit, lowered the ammount,

removed stacking. Reduced range and radius. Increased fire


• Added small reload time to Spider Hole ability.

• Tuned Time Bomb damage.

• Tuned Orbital Dump damage.

• Increased Shogun Battleship cannon damage.

• Reduced level 1 Magnetic Satellite radius, increased level 3

Magnetic Satellite radius.

• All fighter aircraft attack range increased to 200 from 150.

• Frozen Units now have a 25% limit for being ‘ over-frozen´, this

should prevent units from being frozen long after the crycopter

has gone.

• Vindicator Bombs should now actually hit moving targets.

• Multigunner Turret heal increased to 1000 from 500.

• Aircraft Carrier given the proper armor set.

• Soviet Bear vulnerability to anti vehicle fire increased (to

offset his recently buffed health).

• Egg speed reduced to 65 from 75. Egg locomotors giving a 1

second acceleration time, increased turn time by 0.5 seconds.

• All Japan production structures T2 upgrade costs increased by


• Japan barracks T3 upgrade cost increased by 250.

• Japan barracks egg price increased to 750 from 500.

• Japan Base Defense health increased to 1000 from 500.

• Neutral Oil Derrick initial capture bonus decreased to 500 from

1000. Money tick value decreased by 50%. Health reduced to 1500

from 3000.

• Reduced the Chrono-Swap warp in time.

• Fixed armor sets on bear, dog, & terror drone.

• Removed transportslotcount so the Apoc can be lifted by the


• Killing eggs now gives you XP.

• Multigunner IFV buildcost increased to 900 from 700.

• IFV+Peacekeeper DPS reduced.

• Riptide ACV buildcost reduced to 750 from 900.

• Guardian Tank buildcost increased to 950 from 900.

• Sickle Leap reload time reduced to 10s from 20s.

• Chopper VX speed reduced to 120 from 140.

• Mecha Tengu land speed reduced to 100 from 125, water speed

reduced to 80 from 100.

• Bullfrog Transport speed increased to 100 from 90.

• Twinblade health increased to 600 from 400.

• Hammer Tank speed increased to 75 from 60.

• Startup dialog now contains the text for the actual game. Don't

be alarmed.

• Added Tier 3 Superweapons for all factions.

• Tweaked Vindicator bombing anims

• Added replay support. Previous versions of the beta have

automatically saved a replay of the most recent game, called

"Last Replay.RA3Replay", in

Edited by Lk`
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Tu rigoles non? Je tombe que sur des nuls... a moins que je sois fort? Pourtant j'ai joué pendant tout un mois et je suis jamais tombé sur des gars beaucoup plus fort que moi. Pourtant je croyais que j'était nul.

En tout cas, les replays et les armes absolues me redonnent envie de jouer tout d'un coup.

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A quand meme, j'avait peur! Moi c'est plutot ma prise de position avec les tankbusters gardés par le guerrier impérial et les tengus qui les detruit dès le début. Ma carte préférée c'est Rock ridge et toi?

A et quand tu disais "Ca rejoins ce que tu as dis" tu parlais pas de mon niveau quand meme? Parceque j'étais modeste meme si je suis pas un Pgm

Edited by LooKill
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