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Patchs : leurs impacts sur le solo...

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Sur le forum officiel de Command & Conquer 3 répond aux critiques concernant l'impact des patchs sur la campagne solo.

Pour chaque nouveau patch ils font des tests sur la campagne solo pour vérifier qu'elle reste jouable mais il reconnait qu'avec le temps, leur attention et un peu moins importante sur ce point qu'aux premiers mois d'après sortie car la plupart des joueurs font la campagne dans les 6 premiers mois d'un jeu. Ils vont faire des efforts sur ce coté, et pour leurs prochains jeux l'équilibrage solo sera séparé de l'équilibrage multi, pour totalement éviter le problème.

As of right now, patching will always impact Single Player in some fashion. When we patch, we playtest single-player many times and we do our best to ensure it doesn't muck things up much.

I have to say to the person who started this thread, its nearly a year after the game came out now, for you to just download all the patches, and then criticize on their impact of the SP campaign, I think your expectations should have been set better.

Most poeple will play the SP campaign in the first 6 months, after that, we can take some more risks with the balance because most people who care about our patches are just playing multiplayer.

This is not to say we ignore SP, its just to say, we patch with a larger focus on MP impact than SP, but we always do our best to make sure the SP campaign does not get impacted severely.

There are always going to be 50/50 debates on patches, you like em, you don't, you like a new playstyle, you dont.

Quite frankly, I think players get scared of trying out new playstyles. You get sucked in to playing the same way, that when we patch, you try and play the same way, and get angry when it doesn't work the same.

Patching is meant to balance and change things up.

I agree our patches have not been perfect and have significant debated impacts, but I think its been good health for the community and keeps people playing.

Kane's Wrath ill introduce a whole new level of play and a whole new level of balance complaints as any RTS game does in its full lifetime.

I'm sure people still playing Starcraft's single player campaign have something to say after 20 patches =)

Ideally in our future development, the two code paths will be seperate so neither affects the other. That is something we are researching for the future.


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