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CnC TV, Kane's Wrath et 12 ans de CnC...


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Apoc vient de nous envoyer un petit mél de récap des prochains evenements...

Lancement du site CnC TV avec la nouvelle rubrique Aftermath qui parle de la réalisation du battlecast PrimeTime 1 et autres...

So, we just launched our brand new website for Command & Conquer TV, www.commandandconquertv.com . And with that launch comes a new show called “Aftermath”. Check out my post here for a complete description on Aftermath. To put it simply, it´s a very entertaining recap of the 1st episode of BattleCast Primetime, but done so in a way with never before seen footage, hilarious outtakes, and new exclusive info that you won´t see or hear anywhere else first. I am certain most of you will be entertained and at least laugh once when Joe Kucan pretends his Bobblehead is a talking parrot on his shoulder.


La remise à zéro du ladder lundi avec un prix de 5000$ à gagner :

Yes, finally, we will be starting our first official epic ladder season for the new Command & Conquer 3 League on our 1v1 ladder, and big news, it is open world-wide in many of our top countries. The top commander at the end of the season will take home a cool tiberium colored check for $5000 U.S dollars, and a bunch of high-end goodies from Logitech. The runner-up will receive $1000 and Logitech goodies, and of course there are more prizes to hand down.

The season will last 3 months with a grand end of season championship tournament in the end for the top 32 players of the season. We anticipate the season to come to a complete close by mid-January, with Season 2 starting up at the beginning of February. You can qualify for the season-ending tournament at 3 different points in the season.

Also, before the end of season tournament, you will have an opportunity to win up to $500 cash prize for staying within the top ranks during multiple qualification periods. We wanted to make sure we gave back to those who kept up the fight all season long!

Le Battlecast avec plein de nouvelles infos sortira comme annoncé la semaine prochaine ainsi que la newsletter officielle.

Enfin C&C1 a été téléchargé plus de 1.5 millions de fois et Apoc prépare un autre grand évènement pour la fin septembre qui est connu actuellement que sous le nom de "secret project". Cet évènement devrait ravir les fans... à suivre...

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