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pour les 10 ans de la Haute Ecole Albert Jaquard le jeudi 30 sptembre journée dediée au jeux video

Jeudi 30 septembre 2010 (Thursday 30th)

HEAJ Game Conference – Grand Hall - Entree libre – (free public entrance)

14h30-15h30 (2.30PM-3.30PM):Mike Singleton - ‘The forgotten art of doing a lot with a little´

Creativity has always been filling the gaps of technology, but 35 years ago, when the most powerful computer could hardly keep up with the cheapest cellphone of today, how was it even possible to make games? Mike Singleton knows, he was there.

16h-17h (4PM-5PM): Anton Kaplanyan (Crytek) - ‘The future of gaming graphics´

Crytek took the world by storm with the jaw-dropping quality of their games. Far Cry was a giant step forward, Crysis was a humongous step forward, now Crysis II is about to be released… and steps forward expert Anton Kaplanyan will detail exactly how behemotic this one will be.

17h30-18h30 (5.30PM – 6.30PM): Marc Albinet (Ubisoft) – ‘Concevoir un jeu vidéo´

For every video game that gets published, tens have bitten the dust. Driving a project to completion is no easy task, but Marc Albinet knows it inside-out. (This talk will be in French)

19h-19h30 (7PM – 7.30PM): Jeroen Tel - ‘History of videogames music (audio)´

The first computers had no sound, but as soon as they could go beep, Jereon Tel started making music with them. From C64 and NES to Game Boy and Amiga, he was one of the musicians who defined the chiptune music genre.

22h (10 PM): Soirée ´Video Games Group´ – (Party)

23h (11 PM) Maniacs of Noise (Jeroen Tel & The C-Men)

Edited by Darkchimera
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En même temps vu le niveau des intervenant:

- Crytek => Créateur de jolie jeu mais creux à l'intérieur.

- Ubisoft => Coucou, je fais de la merde à la place d'un vrai rayman et j'invente des DRM de merde.

Un vrai type qui a des truc à dire sera Sid Meiers ou encore les gards de CDProjeckt pour the Witchers.

Ou Kenji Inafune, créateur de Megaman.

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J'aimerai bien aller en Belgique, quand ça sera plus calme, et pas pour des jeux vidéos personnellement.

Faire du tourisme me botterai bien plus.

Je te ferai visiter le centre de bruxelles si tu veux, j'y suis tout les jours ;)

Et si tu veux une bonne adresse pour manger je connais aussi :D

Pour ton dernier post, oui tu es dans le délire total ^^"

Edited by Chrisev
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