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Apoc revient sur la surveillance du jeu...

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Cette nuit, alors que c'est encore le week-end, Apoc est revenu sur le forum officiel pour donner quelques infos supplémentaires sur la surveillance du jeu online.

- Bien entendu tout cheat est puni, pour cela EA a quand même besoin d'un replay pour s'assurer du cheat.

- Toute personne qui a plus de 100 déco est automatiquement suspecte et la suppression de ses sous-comptes aura toujours lieu. S'il s'agit de la première fois, elle pourra revenir créer un sous-compte.

- Les logs du chat sont lus et toutes les insultes sont maintenant revelées (je vais voir avec apoc si le français peut être aussi surveillé). En cas d'abus là aussi sanction car Apoc veut que l'ambiance sur le jeu reste bonne.

I am not sold on the fact that LASERPEWPEWPEW, i.e. Scrinnator is not a disconnector. I do however admit that I did make a mistake in the banning because of the the letter mis-hap. I didn't realize the difference between the 0 and the O. I am going to look in to this on Monday.

Scrinnator, you act very immature on these forums and you have disconnected before, so whether or not you don't when you play as LASERPEWPEWPEW, doesn't matter. Any player is responsible for ALL of their sub-account names. If you mess up on one of them, it will definitely affect your others.

So you can't disconnect on one, and not on the other, and expect to be scot-free and safe from the IRON FIST.

I want everyone to understand a few things here:

-we can't stop EVERYONE from disconnecting and its very tough to ban someone or kick them from the ladder based on one person's word alone. That is why we need evidence or a replay. I understand Brazy has 109 disconnects, I'll look in to his name on Monday. Anyone with 100+ disconnects is very suspect. I guarantee they have disconnected AT LEAST once. I look more at frequency than I do at individual occurrences.

-if you are flagged as a constant disconnector, you should expect all of your sub-accounts to be closed. I apologize in advance, but we need zero tolerance. You can still go create another new account, but your old names are history. If its a first warning, we will just kick you from the ladder and you can go back again. Most people who we take action against are getting the "double strike" warning first. Meaning, all sub- accounts closed and kicked from the ladder on those names. These are people who have either been caught cheating or have large disconnect amounts and many complaints against them.

-SPAMMING in the in-game lobby, say CASUAL1 can get you a serial key ban. We are looking at chat logs daily and some people who were out of hand last week are going to get a nice closure on their account come Monday. Its unacceptable, its detrimental to all players, and its just as bad as cheating. This is one area that we will have little patience for. I have been reading chat logs from last week with players saying some extremely offensive phrases and spamming the lobby's with them. Unacceptable. I strongly advise if you want to keep playing online, do not spam the game lobby.

I don't think anyone here feels we are being too vigilant. For a long time you guys have complained that we didn't take action, and you were correct in the past. But now that we are, we are taking this very seriously and are intent on keeping the game clean and fun and fair as much as possible. Especially the ladder season.

As a Community Manager, its my job to keep the community a friendly place for all. We cannot grow the community or get more people playing C&C 3 online for example if disconnectors and cheaters can get away with it and people can spam the lobby's and not have action taken against them. The same applies here to the forums. It's the only way people get the message that it's not ok.

If you cannot respect our community culture here and can't be cool and friendly, or cannot play the game without taking your loss like a man or have to cheat to win, then you should de-install the game before we do it for you =)...and let us enjoy our community and game without an unnecessary nuisance.

Sorry for the rant, I just want people to know that this issue is pretty much at the top of my list right now.



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arf les 100 deco me font un peu peur car chez moi j'ai une connection en mousse et comme je suis loin du router je perd souvent la connection en pleine partie, et la plupart du temps quand je gagne ( comme par hasard)

il m'est deja arrivé d'avoir une déco alors que je venais de battre le 2éme adversaire lors d'un 2v2et avant que le message victorieux s'affiche

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