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Command & Conquer SAGA

Foire aux Questions

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J'ai commencé à traduire la foire aux questions faite par un fan sur le Forum Officiel. J'essayerai de traduire le reste prochainement et de mettre à jour.

Section 1: Questions Général et techniques pour CnC3

Section 2: Questions sur le Gameplay et Ingame pour CnC3

Section 3: Questions sur l'Univers et sur l'Histoire de CnC3

Section 4: Questions Multi-joueurs sur CnC3

Section 1: Questions Générales et techniques pour CnC3

Q: Quelle est la date de sortie de CnC3 ?

R: La version PC sortira le 28 Mars 2007. La version Xbox360 sortira plus tard. EA vise une sortie pour le deuxième trimestre 2007, sans doute début mai.

Q: Sur quelle plateforme sortira CnC3 ?

R: CnC3 a été annoncé pour PC et Xbox360.

Q: Quelle est la configuration demandée pour CnC3 ?

R: Il n'y a pas encore de configuration minimale ou conseillée pour CnC3. L'équipe du jeu devrait la sortir prochainement sur le site officiel. Mais BFME2 peut servir de bon test pour savoir si votre ordinateur sera capable de faire tourner CnC3.

Q: Y aura-t-il une démo ? A quelle date doit-elle sortir ?

R: Pas de date officielle pour la démo, mais le community manager a annoncé qu'elle devrait sortir en février.

Q: Est ce que CnC3 utilise encore le moteur Sage ?

R: Oui, il utilisera le même moteur que Generals, Bfme et bfme2 mais l'équipe du jeu a annoncé l'avoir fortement amélioré pour avoir un meilleur rendu, qu'il soit aussi plus rapide, plus efficace et tout simplement meilleur.

Q: Est ce qu'il y aura une version Mac pour CnC3 ?

R: EA n'a pas annoncé de sortie pour Mac, mais il est possible qu'ils le fassent dans un futur proche.

Q: Est ce que CnC3 est un jeu Direct X 9 ou 10 ?

R: Le jeu est un jeu Direct X 9 mais l'équipe d'EALA n'exclue pas de sortir un patch direct X10 (même si cela ne vaudra pas un vrai jeu direct X10).

Q: Est ce quil y aura une beta publique ?

R: Non, CnC3 n'aura pas de beta publique mais EA a fait tester son jeu par des fans et autres directement dans ses locaux.

Q: Quelles sont les améliorations visuelles de CnC3 ?

R: Le moteur du jeu a été fortement amélioré depuis Generals en particulier sur le rendu des unités, de l'eau, des particules, des ombres, des explosions et avec un nouveau système de textures pour le sol, sans parler de son optimisation.

Q: Est ec qu'il y aura un support pour les mods ? World Builder?

R: Oui il y aura World Builder avec le jeu. Un logiciel SDK sortira peu de temps après le jeu. Sinon un nouveau système XML de gestion des données remplacera les fichiers ini.

Q: Quelles sont les autres améliorations apportées au moteur ?

R: Les temps de chargement ne devraient pas dépasser les 10 secondes pour vous amener plus vite à l'action.

Q: Terrain Déformable ?

R: Le terrain ne sera pas déformable mais il y aura toujours des débris et traces laissées par les unités.

Q: Support Wide-Screen ?

R: Oui le Wide-Screen sera géré.

Q: Est ce que les vidéos seront en HD ?

R: oui les vidéos seront toutes en HD.

Q: Est ce qu'on pourra configurer l'affichage ?

R: Oui comme dans BFME2 vous pourrez régler la résolution et le niveau de détail du jeu.

Q: Que veut dire SAGE ?

R: SAGE (Strategy Action Game Engine)

Q: Qui composera les musiques de CnC3 ?

R: Pas Frank Klepacki, bien que certains de ses titres soient repris. L'essantiel sera réalisé par Steve Jablonsky. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0413011/

Q: Add-On ?

R: Pas d'annonce officielle pour l'instant mais si le jeu marche il devrait en avoir une.

Section 2: Questions sur le Gameplay et Ingame pour CnC3

Q: What interface does CnC3 use?

R: CnC3 will use the classic side bar interface from prevoius C&C games before Generals. Which allows you to manage your production queues without ever having to leave the battlefield, however many new additions and improvements were made to it. A contextual space has been added to provide information, abilties, and upgrades for selected units and structures. The notion of Sub-Tabs has been introduced to allow multiple production queues. Several other improvements have been made to allow players to easily and quickly manage production, make unit control groups easy to use, and making this a very powerful and easy to use interface overall.

Q: Est ce qu'il y aura un système de VCM ou de Bulldozer ?


Q: Combien de missions solos dans CnC3 ?

R: 38 missions.

Q: Combien de factions dans CnC3?

R: 3 : GDI, Nod, et les Scrin.

Q: How do you collect resources in CnC3?

R: There is only 1 kind of resource in the game, money. The main way to acquire money is by harvesting the game's main resource, tiberium. This is done by simply building a refinery and a harvester will collect tiberium and return it to the refinery where funds will then be recieved. You can build multiple refineries and harvesters to increase economy rates. Money can also be obtained through tech buildings such as the tiberium spike.

CnC3 also uses a power system as seen in previous C&C games. Almost all structures require power to operate, and operate effecinetly. If your low on power a lot structures cease to function or have their production rates severely decreased. Power is gained by purchasing Power Plants, as well as upgrading existing Power Plants.

Q: How many units does each faction have?

R: It depends on which faction you choose, but it'll be between 15-18 per faction.

Q: How many buildings are available per faction?

R: The game consist of Regular and Support Structures. Together they make up to about 18 to 19 structures per faction, depending on choice.

Q: Will CnC3 have unit and building upgrades?

R: Yes, you will have the option to purchase upgrades to various structures and units.

Q: Will CnC3 have special powers like in games such as Generals or Battle for Middle Earth?

R: Yes, however they'll be handled differently. Instead of gaining experiance throughout the course of battle to acquire powers, powers are now linked to structures, and will require money to be used.

Q: Hero Units, Create-A hero Option?

R: There will be Hero Units, but not like your uber Battle for Middle Earth Hero Units. Each faction will have a commando type unit, which is considered to be the hero unit of C&C. They won't be as important or vital to your battle as a hero in Battle for Middle Earth, but these guys are strong individual units that can do a lot of damage if left unchecked. On create-a-hero, there will probably not be this option in game.

Q: Will CnC3 use the rock-paper-scissor combat mechanic?

R: Yes. Basically the combat chain is set up into 4 different parts. With each unit being good at 2 of those of parts. E.G. So a tank would be good at killing 2 things: structures and vehicles.

Q: Tech Buildings?

R: Yes, there will be tech Buildings, and they have been increased in importance due to their ability to give ground control to provide buildable area for you structures. There are several different kind of tech buildings, and will probably be placed in key areas throughout the map.

Q: Superweapons?

R: Yes, there are superweapons within the game. Nuke for Nod, Ion Cannon for GDI, Rift Generator and Mothership for Scrin. You can only build 1 superweapon in CnC3.

Q: Units Individual or Squads?

R: Basic Infantry units will be in squads. However every other unit will be individual, including the commando and engineer.

Q: Is there Skirmish mode?

R: Yes there will be skirmish mode, with an updated adapative ai system added to it.

Q: Will World Domination Mode still be in game?

R: Unfortunately this idea has been cut, but this feature definately has a chance to make it into an expansion if released for CnC3.

Q: What are the play styles for each faction.

R: Typically you can play the game what ever you want to, but generally speaking... here is how we classify each faction. GDI can be seen as the standard brute force army. They use strong durable units that can stand strong against anybody in a toe to toe battle often used in frontline assaults. NOD is seen as a sneaky, hit and run type faction. They mainly use guerilla tactics and prefer mobility, stealth, and suprise instead of straight up brute force to beat their opponents. Scrin Players is a bit harder to define how they play, but in the early game they'll have a lot of cheap cannon-fodder type units. Units that you can produce fast and in large quantities to get you going. They aren't the strongest, but their ease to produce makes them effective. They should be used to help contain your opponent. Scrin is said to have a pretty weak mid-game as their individual units cannot hold up well to heavier GDI armor units. Then in the late game, the Scrin get extremely powerful weapons to try to overwhelm the opponent, such as tripods, carriers, and all that sort of exotic and powerful weaponry. Basically they play out like an alien invasion.

Q: Day and Night in Maps?

R: There will not be Day and Night cycles in maps most likely. However maps will have various time of day presets. So you'll see various maps having various time of day set up such as morning, mid-day, evening, night, etc..

Q: What type of Maps are in CnC3?

R: Well CnC3 will be divided up into three different zones: red zones, yellow zones, and blue zones. They'll look vastly different from each other, red zones looking like the polished surface of an alien planet, yellow zones looking very war-torn and corroded, and blue-zones looking very pristine, clean, futuristic, and urban.

Q: Shroud or Fog of War?

R: CnC3 will use Fog of War( As seen in General, where terrain is revealed, but you can't see anything happening in that area under Fog of War)

Q: Minimap/Radar?

R: Well CnC3 will use Radar like all previous C&C games. However instead of being attached to a Radar Center type structure, it is now attached to the Construction Yard. Allowing you to see the minimap at the very start of the game. However if you lose your Construction Yard you lose the minimap, as well if your low on power.

Q: Will Silos be in the game?

R: Yes there will be.

Q: Walls?

R: Yes walls will be in the game.

Q: Gates? Pavement?

R: Neither gates nor pavement will be in the game.

Q: Subterranean/Amphibious Units?

R: They'll will not be in the game.

Q: Engineer capture system?

R: You'll only need 1 engineer to capture a structure, and it will be instant- capture. Each faction's engineer will be slightly different from each other. However they share these things in common: They can instant capture structues, and can be used to capture the ultimate units of each faction, the heavy walkers(Juggernaut, Avatar, Annhilator Tripod).

Q: Air to Air Combat?

R: Yes, a select number of air units will be to engage other air units.

Q: Garrisonable Structures?

R: Yes, the player will be able to garrison structures with infantry. As well as they clearable, like generals with similar units such as the Flame Tank.

Q: Naval Combat?

R: Naval Combat will not be available for play in skirmish or multiplayer. Naval units will be most likely used in a limited number of campaign missions, and will most likely be only used as support to help your main ground forces to beat the mission.

Q: What New game features have been added?

R: Well subtabs and cranes have been introduced to allow multiple construction queues. So far the first time in a C&C game using the sidebar interface, you'll be able to produce 2 separate type of unit or structures at once. Another feature that has been added, is the ability of units to cover behind props. Units also have front, side, and back armor ratings. So flanking, if done properly, can give you a big damage boost against your opponent. Units can be moved in reverse now to avoid exposing weaker armor sides. Mini-Mcv have been introduced to allow easier expansion.

Q: Destroyable Bridges?

R: Yes

Q: Re- Packable MCV?

R: Yes

Q: Hover Units?

R: Yes, however GDI will not have them this time, it'll be the third faction.

Section 3: Questions sur l'Univers et sur l'Histoire de CnC3

Q: Whos the Third Faction?

R: Scrin

Q: Is CABAL in the game?

R: Sorta, he'll be mentioned in the game, but will not be a crucial part to the story.

Q: Is the Tacitus in the game?

R: Same answer as previous question.

Q: Blue Tiberium?

R: Yes there will be blue tiberium in the game, brought back by popular demand from the community.

Q: Mutants?

R: Yes, there will be mutants in the game, however they wont be as important to the story as Tiberian Sun. They'll be seen in tech buildings call Mutant Hovels, where you can recrut Mutants to fight for you.

Q: Tiberium Life-Forms?

R: Its been said that there will be Viceroids in the game, but I can't comment if any other life-forms will make returns, and if any new ones will be introduced.

Q: Tiberium Vinifera, Vein Hole Monsters, Vinifera Monolith, Blossom Trees, and Tiberium Algae in the game?

R: Vinifera will still be in the game, as blue tiberium is still in the game, and possible hints of screenshots of Blossom trees has been seen in game, but they look dead. However it appears they are mostly not in the game.

Q: Where are the Tiberium Pods?

R: They are gone now. An explanation has been written that since tiberium has leached pretty much everything its rested upon. It simply evolved, and now it digs deeper into the earth's crust and mantle collecting up valuable minerals and fossil fuels to grow. So the pods, were gone as part of the evolution, as they longer are able to collect from surface level nutrients, and now tiberium must dig deeper to get more.

Q: Cyborg Technology in game?

R: No there will not be, because it was stated in Verdu's Blog that both GDI and Nod have gone away from CYborg technology because of the Firestorm Crisis.

Q: Nod's Interface?

R: As mentioned by Jason Bender in the Scrin Podcast, that its sort of like if Cabal took the role of EVA, but with a CABAL type male voice. It sort of like the offspring of CABAL with all the bad stuff of CABAL taken out which will be revealed in the intel database within the game.

Q: If Blossom Trees are not in game what is?

R: Well to replace Blossom Trees, there needs to be a functional equivalent, and in comes in the form of crater looking holes that tiberium fields are centered around. They appear to be massive crates, with big shards of tiberium dug deep within the "crater".

Q: Are there FMV videos?

R: Yes there will be.

Q: Kane

R: Yes hes back in the game, and played by Joe Kucan. He does not have a face plate however, and he has a ring!

Q: What happened to Slavik?

R: No one knows, but unfortunately we probably wont see or hear of him probably within the game, but I could be wrong.

Q: What happened to the Mech technology for GDI?

R: Well GDI resorted back to tanks for a few reasons. They are more reliable, proven, cheaper, easier to maintain, durable, and cost-effective. Basically GDI is using whats been proven, and something that is tough but cheap and easy to produce. However GDI hasn't lost all their mechs, because they still have their Juggernaut, and the Wolverine has evolved into the Zone Trooper.

Q: Subterranean Tech? Amphibious Tech.

R: Well it was taken out due to balance reasons most likely, but they wont' be in the game, however its been mentioned that it could make it for the possible expansion pack for CnC3.

Q: Hover Tech?

R: Well GDI lost all its hover tech, due to Ion Storms causing problems for them. However the scrin hold a few hover units themselves.

Q: Will Kane and Cabals merge entities be revealed?

R: We don't know yet, but we'll have to wait and see when the game comes out.

Q: Firestorm

R: It will not be in the game, however the reasons for its exclusion are unknown.

Q: What year does CnC3 take place?

R: 2047

Q: Who are the actors in CnC3?

R: There is a very impressive cast for CnC3 including: Josh Holloway, Tricia Helfer, Michael Ironside, Billy Dee Williams, Grace Park, etc... More info can be seen here: http://imdb. com/title/tt0848263/

Q: Scrin Ship from TS what happened to it?

R: Well according to a German magazine, they mention that the Scrin first start out from the the crased Scrin Ship in TS. This could be speculation, but could very well likely be in the game.

Q: Old Structures and Units seen throughout maps?(like TS)

R: Yes there will be, a screenshot of a planetary assault proved this, as a Destroyed TS style NOD powerplant was shown right beneath it.

Section 4: Questions Multi-joueurs sur CnC3

Q: Combien de joueurs maximum ?

R: Le nombre maximum de joueurs sera de 8.

Q: What options can we set before we start a game?

R: Its not officially known yet, but a few examples have been given out. You can choose starting location, teams, color, sides, starting money, few others I don't know.

Q: Support Clan ?

R: CnC3 aura un support clan intégré dans le jeu.

Q: Ladder Online ?

R: Il y aura un ladder 1v1 et 2v2 ladder, ainsi qu'un ladder clan.

Q: Whats New to Multiplayer Features?

R: Introduction of RTS as a Sport. Its a really power community feature with a huge number of options. Any game in progress can be broadcast, you can put a time delay, blackout, hide it, and many other options to the broadcast. You can schedule games in the future on a central hub website. You can then decide if you want it broadcasted it or not. Voice over IP is supported. Commentaries can be selected to commentate games with the Voice Over IP, and can rise in raise ranks in notoriety. Central Hub Website can have various replays. Commentators can use a telestrator(John madden like), and anyone can be a commentator, but spectators choose which commentator channel to go to, so this is where this notoriety rank comes in. Commentators control the camera during the game. Thousands of people can watch a single broadcasted match. There will replays, scheduled games of the weeks, highlight reels, all kinds of stuff, which makes it seem like a well... "sport". So there can be all kinds of stuff, and a spectator client will be released with the game as well, so people who don't own the game, can watch matches in progress, but can't play the game.

Q: Publicité dans le jeu ?

R: Il n'y aura pas de publicité dans le jeu, uniquement dans le client gratuit.

Q: Quickmatch?

R: There will be a quickmatch feature in the game, which is quite customabizeable and will fit you against a player of similar skill or try to. Probably similar to Battle for Middle Earth 2's system.

Q: Transfert de Map ?

R: Comme dans le passé, si vous rejoignez une partie dont vous n'avaez pas la map, elle vous sera transférée lors du chargement de la partie.

Q: Voix sur IP ?

R: Oui.

Q: Est ce que les joueurs pourront choisir si leur match sera ou non broadcasted ?

R: Oui.

Q: Can you delay your game or blackout game and show only when match is completed?

R: Yes, you can put anywhere from 1 to 90 minute delay on a match, and you can also choose to hide or blackout your game if you wish and show it at a later time.

Q: Has Net Code been improved?

R: EA devs have said to completely re-wrote the net code, so it suppose to be a lot smoother than it was before, and they seem to show a lot of confidence in it.

Q: Cheating?

R: There has been no official announcement on the way EA will combat Cheating, but they mentioned they'll release patches that fix the big cheats, if deteced, basically the real bad cheats should be taken care of, and minor ones can soon follow.

Q: Support?

R: People tend to think EA has a bad track record, but in reality its actually pretty good, and its decent enough to keep games playable, and EA is starting to push a lot harder in the right direction. They mentioned a possible live team for CnC3 to keep it patched up and playable as possible. If players continually play CnC3 online, RTS as a Sport will go on and the server support will be there. Player involvement I think has a lot to do with this, but I feel there will be a few good patches coming along. As well as a MOD SDK will be released shortly after the release of the game.

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Q: Ads in game?

R: There will be no ads in the game, it will be only shown on the free spectator client being released with the game.

But, probably, will be an ads at Multiplayer Menu or something, but not in-game. Source -> German IRC chat
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