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Command & Conquer SAGA

Patch 1.09 semaine prochaine et xbox360 ?

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Le patch 1.09 sortira la semaine prochaine pour PC en même temps que de nombreux changements sur le ladder sur le site officiel.

It´s not quite the end of mid-October as promised, but with Patch 1.09 being very significant in its gameplay changes and the Battlecast Viewer being available with it, AND the Battlecast website undergoing huge changes, all slated to launch at the same time, it should be a good milestone for Command & Conquer 3 when we aim to launch all of this sometime next week. We are heading in to the final approval stages and looking strong for release next week. I will keep you posted and let you know if that changes.

Par contre le patch xbox360 a été retardé car Microsoft qui vérifie tous les patchs avant leur mise en fonction pour les jeux xbox360 a trouvé un bug dans le prochain pour cnc3 qui fait crasher le jeu quand on charge une sauvegarde patchée sur une xbox360 avec le jeu non patché...

First off, huge apologies on the lack of updates here. It goes without saying, it was very undeserving and not ideal but the creation and release of this patch for C&C 3 XBOX 360 has been borderline abysmal in the final stages here.

I'll give you the update and then give you some background on the process so you understand why it's taken this long. The latest is, as of Oct 2 we had passed our internal QA, CQC, and ECG approvals which are the normal approval routes for any EA patch. CQC and ECG are the final customer quality control stages, they usually take about a week combined. QA and dev time is where the meat of the testing goes on in the creation of a patch. However, Microsoft must also test the patch and sign- off on it. Just like they do for any XBOX 360 game, it's all the same.

Microsoft found a very rare crash in the patch where if you load a saved C&C game from an updated 360 on to a non-updated 360, then the game crashes. Yes that's right, I can't think of a situation where a player would do this unless they desperately wanted to continue their game on a friends XBOX 360 because their current one got the red-rings of death and their friends XBOX 360 for some reason wasn't updated. There's no actual Microsoft guideline that references such an error would hold back our patch from final approval, but nonetheless, its being held back at the moment. We are investigating a fix, but at the same time, we're also trying to hammer this out with MSFT so we can put the patch live...any day now.

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