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Command & Conquer SAGA

Un patch pour les faibles connexions et stats

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EALA serait en train de voir pour tolérer un plus long temps de reconnexion pour les faibles connexions internet.

We are looking in to the drop-connection coding as the settings may be too short with little room for reprieve. This is part of our overall effort looking in to dropped connections that those with poor connections are experiencing.


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Par ailleurs, les statistiques sur le site officiel sont en train d'être mises en place mais ça sera pas encore aujourd'hui...

We're working on the profile stats and leaderboard. They are coming in post launch simply because they were not ready by launch, that's the easiest explanation I can provide. They are absolutely coming soon.


et enfin ils travaillent sur un patch pour les différents bugs :

Hey everyone,

It seems a good number of you are worrying about our post launch support efforts, I simply wanted to reassure you we have a team working on fixing issues being reported.

I can tell you honestly, posting "random crashes" makes it very tough for us to discern what your problem is.

In order for us to get to the root of various issues, we sincerely need specific info from you whenever possible.

If you intend to post about a crash or connection loss or major bug, please try to post as much specific detail (not an essay), along with your system spec, and whether or not you can reproduce the error. Also, your country version would be helpful to.

All in all, we're doing our best to assess and work through these issues and we do have patches in the works.

I will keep you posted as best as I possibly can.



Ils ont besoin d'infos précises : http://forums.commandandconquer.com/jforum/posts/list/38817.page

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