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Command & Conquer SAGA

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Apoc vient de poster que le bug qui affichait que vous n'êtes pas autorisé à télécharger la beta (si bien entendu vous avez droit à la beta) quand vous vous connectiez sur votre compte EA était maintenant résolu.

If you pre-ordered Command & Conquer 4, and redeemed your Beta Promo code, but were previous denied access to our Beta page, we have resolved this issue and you should now be access the page.

If you already redeemed your code and were experiencing this issue, to resolve, simply:

¤ Go to http://www.commandandconquer.com/Beta

¤ Login with your EA Account (the same account you used to register the code)

¤ You should then be redirected to the Beta page to download the client

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