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Ce mod convertira renegade en un jeu qui prendra place juste après la destruction du tout premier temple du NOD

N'ayant que peu d'info sur le mod je vous mets des liens et des images en espérant que vousles verrez:Page de MODDB


Edited by Paillette
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Je te cite le texte attribué dude :

Warning military breifing follows, Top secret

clearance required.

By the end of the first red alert war,

stalin had produced a top secret weapons lab.

undergound, in some mountains in a top secret

location. Only a few scientists and Stalin himself

knew about this lab. it contained experimental

units, buildt for extreme combat. One of these was




XE24 on english

Mammoth XE24. The monster was found in late 90s

by GDI forces, and after a struggle with Nod, they

managed to collect the blueprints of the Mammoth

XE24. They rebuildt it (although the original was

a powerful machine, it was outdated, and ran

mostly on steam) and from that created the Mammoth

MK2, seen in the second tiberium war.

The reason that Kane didnt know about this lab,

although he has the power to travil through time,

is the fact that this only were developed, because

of his interaction in the first red alert


Actually it is thought be some that XE Stand for

Extreme Evolution, since the evolution step they

took from the original mammoth tank when making it

was extreme at the time beeing.

En gros, c'est un prototype de Mammouth Mk2

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C'est normal que c'est moche, c'est un prototype du GDI !! :lol:

Euh... Non. Tu as lus sa fiche?

By the end of the first red alert war,

stalin had produced a top secret weapons lab.


Mammoth XE24. The monster was found in late 90s

by GDI forces, and after a struggle with Nod, they

managed to collect the blueprints of the Mammoth

XE24. They rebuildt it

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