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Blog #2 d'Aaron Apoc Kaufman !


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Apoc le Community Manager Command and Conquer vient de poster son deuxième article dans son blog sur le site Officiel.

- Il annonce que contrairement aux scénaristes des séries TV américaines tournées à quelques rues d'EALA, les scénaristes de CnCTV ne sont pas en grève. :lol:

I would like to first officially announce that the Command & Conquer TV writers are absolutely not on strike. Rumors swirled that our close proximity to Hollywood would put us in danger, but the Command & Conquer TV team is quite the dedicated and passionate group, so no worries, we are producing more shows as you read this!

- Que CnCTV va se déplacer sur un serveur à grande bande-passante pour réduire d'avantage les problèmes de lags et que le prochain épisode de BattleCast PrimeTime aura lieu fin du mois et celui d'Aftermath la semaine prochaine avant Thanksgiving avec une nouvelle CnC Girl. :lol:

Speaking of Command & Conquer TV, we've been having some bandwidth issues over the past couple of months which have caused a few "slow molasses" effects for some of you when streaming the flash versions on our site. We are going to be moving all of the videos on to a new high-speed "Content-Delivery-Network" (CDN) which should erase any such bandwidth issues and stream our shows faster than a game of Burnout. Expect to see this in action when the next episode of BattleCast Primetime goes live at the end of November.

Dans son mél aux fansites :

Next week before Thanksgiving, we will be bringing you Aftermath Episode 3! No, I won´t be seen running around with turkeys, but it should be a fun show with another new C&C girl yet again J We expect to see a poll after this episode.

- Il remercie tout ceux qui l'aident à chasser les cheaters, le spam, etc... en postant sur le forum officiel.

Before I blog on to some more fun topics, I'd like to first reiterate my dedication to ridding the game of as many cheaters as possible. I want to thank everyone who has reported incidences where people disconnect and/or cheat, and for the support on APOC's Iron Fist Tour! I understand a recent decision made regarding a player in the ladder season may not have been seen as favorable to some, but I assure you that these situations are not taken lightly and much thought goes into it and will ultimately be more beneficial to you, no matter what the situation. We will continue pushing our rules and laying down strict account closures on anyone who wishes to cheat and disconnect in our game or on the ladder. Please be advised that spamming the game lobbies is also considered a serial key account-banning offense. Respect those in the in-game lobby. If you spam, I will be forced to take action. The Iron First is reading chat logs daily, so be cool, play fair, and have fun!

- il encourage à poster sur kaneslives nos créations et notre fanatisme autour du Nod.

I know things have been a little quieter the past few weeks, usually we are busting at the seams with new screenshots, videos, interviews, and smothering the web with enough pictures of Kane to cover your bedroom walls in. I always wondered if there was a super hardcore Kane fan out there who decorated his room with Kane posters, Nod bedsheets, a Tacitus statue, a Cabal mask to wear to school to scare people, and any other such elements of the Brotherhood, but I digress. I expect to see more dedications to the Brotherhood at our favorite #1 Kane site, www.kanelives.org .

- L'équipe de dév est en train de finir les maps et va commencer la balance des unités puis ils metteront un coup de polish aux animations.

The Kane's Wrath development team is currently in the polishing of units phase and starting to really put a beautification coat on all the new maps. In our development process, we usually create the unit with basic functionality first, so we can start to balance, and then later in the process, we go back to give it that final wax and polish on all of the textures and animations.

- Le site officiel va bientôt parler des sous-factions, des unités et du background dans les prochaines semaines.

Over the course of the next few weeks, we are going to start rolling out all of the sub-factions for Kane's Wrath where we will detail each unit, give some in-depth fictional background, and really give you a sense for how each side will play out. After talking with many of the community leaders on what they feel the community would like to see here on our official website, I am going to strive to get you more in-depth content on our sub-factions and units.

- L'équipe de dév est vraiment à l'écoute des demandes des fans et plusieurs des unités de TS seront de retour (on sait voir news sur les sous-factions que le Titan et le Lycaon en font partie) mais aussi que la lutte contre le cheat est vraiment pris au sérieux à EALA.

But let me tell you something that the hardcore C&C fans will salivate to know even more now…back in the Summer after the Kane's Wrath official announcement, the message boards were blowing up with people asking if we would bring back certain nostalgic units from a few of your favorite past C&C games, Tiberian Sun & Firestorm. I constantly tried to de-flame the multiple 20-page threads, but to no avail, you guys kept pounding and pounding until finally it started to deflate a bit. Well needless to say, I heard you loud and clear and made sure our development team did as well, I used my IRON FIST on producer Jim Vessella to convince him, it does more than just ban lame disconnectors and cheaters! Without building up a bunch of unnecessary hype here (hopefully just excitement), our development team is bringing back two very specific units from the Tiberian universe and continuing them in Kanes Wrath, this based heavily on your community feedback. As I always say on the boards, as developers we are the artists and architects of our game, but you guys are the ones in the end who view and play our creations and "live within them". It´s always a challenge and a race to find the perfect balance between a developers design, and a community's desire, and as your Community Manager, its one of my primary roles to help mediate that.

- Il annonce une newsletter officielle très importante ce mois ci.

So, when will you find out which two units are being dusted off and upgraded for Kane's Wrath? In the upcoming C&C November newsletter of course, in an exclusive feature article for newsletter subscribers first. Trust me; there are some great perks to subscribing to our official C&C newsletter. If you have not subscribed, then click this link and get on it Commander!

- Enfin il dévoile la boite de Kane's Wrath en haute déf + 3 images d'unités du ZOCOM.

I leave you now to feast your eyes on the first high-resolution shot of our box art for Kane's Wrath (yes I know you saw it a week ago, but that was really tiny, now see it large)! Also just below are three brand new high resolution renders of some of the unique marquee units from our new Kane's Wrath sub-faction, GDI Zocom. Be sur to click each image for the high resolution version. Enjoy and share!

Every day is community day,


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